Low Testosterone in Eugene, OR

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Many men suffer from low testosterone levels, which is known as the medical condition hypogonadism. The causes are many and varied and can begin at a younger age than was previously believed. Because testosterone is a vital hormone involved in so many systems throughout the body, low testosterone levels affect nearly every part of a man’s body and brain.

It is important to ask yourself a few questions. If any of the following symptoms apply, you should come see us at OMC in Bend or Springfield to see if Testosterone Replacement Therapy is right for you:

  1. Do you not feel like your usual self? Lack performance or motivation to pursue the things you normally would?
  2. A low sex drive
  3. Less frequent erections or loss of erection during intercourse
  4. Decrease in muscle tone
  5. Inability to lose fat
  6. Fatigue
  7. Depression or lack of purpose
  8. Moodiness
  9. Sleep disturbances
  10. Lack of focus

Symptoms of low testosterone are many and varied. These symptoms can manifest drastically depending on each person. The most common complaint in men suffering from low testosterone are fatigue and diminished libido. Fortunately, the benefits of TRT are just as varied; unsurprisingly, the most commonly documented benefits are a boost in energy and sex drive. The benefits of TRT reach far beyond these two, however. TRT can also reduce fat, increase muscle, improve concentration, maintain sleep, maintain bone density and strength, increase athletic performance, improve mood, heighten motivation, red blood cell production, improve insulin sensitivity, increase sense of well-being, and improve erectile function. Experts in the field have even cited a correlation between testosterone’s natural anti-inflammatory effects to a reduction in joint pain. Benefits can sometimes be difficult to quantify, and not all have been formally proven within the boundaries of medical studies. There are certainly clinical results. Balancing testosterone levels can profoundly relieve the symptoms each individual suffers and benefit their loved ones.

Researchers are learning more and more about the hormone and its correlation to men’s health every day. At OMC, we take great pride in staying on top of the latest research and treatments available. This knowledge helps us provide the very best treatment options for our patients.

Low testosterone has been linked to a variety of major health problems, including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular issues, anemia, and metabolic syndrome. However, in some cases, low testosterone may be a symptom of genetic conditions such as Leydig cell hypoplasia, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Noonan syndrome, Myotonic dystrophy, as well as testicle injury.

We want to manage low testosterone and solve the underlying cause before our patients develop any major issues. It is important to acknowledge that Testosterone Replacement Therapy is not the cure for low testosterone, although studies show men who have taken TRT have health improvements. At OMC, we create a treatment program to balance your hormone levels while addressing the underlying cause of low testosterone levels. This approach leads to a healthier lifestyle for our clients.

Yes. While testosterone replacement therapy is a safe procedure, just like any other medical treatment, it can come with risks patients should be aware of before beginning treatment. These side effects may include:

  • Acne or other skin reactions.
  • Sleep apnea.
  • Testicular shrinkage.
  • Increased red blood cell production, leading to blood clots.
  • Decrease in sperm count, leading to infertility.

Under the care of our highly experienced providers at The Oregon Man Clinics, patients can expect to easily manage any side effects and risks they may experience while undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. With regular follow-ups, most risks can be prevented.

In addition to providing relief from most symptoms of low testosterone, testosterone replacement therapy can help improve your energy levels and your sex drive. It can also increase bone density, muscle mass, and insulin sensitivity while improving your overall mood.

While testosterone replacement therapy is a life-long treatment, many men find the benefits worth it.

If your low testosterone is caused by a genetic condition, there are no specific ways to prevent the condition from happening. However, other causes of low testosterone, such as diabetes and obesity, can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle. To decrease your chances of reaching low testosterone levels, we recommend patients do the following:

  • Eat a balanced diet that ensures you get the nutrition your body needs.
  • Stick to an exercise routine that helps you maintain a stable weight.
  • Avoid excessive use of alcohol and drugs.
  • Visit your primary doctor regularly to ensure your overall health is in good condition.

Schedule a Consultation for Low Testosterone Treatment in Oregon

Oregon Man Clinics (OMC) proudly provides patients from Springfield, Bend, Ontario, Albany, Roseburg, OR and surrounding areas with treatment for low testosterone. Contact our Springfield office at 541.508.4858 or our Bend office at 541.505.8773 to schedule an appointment today.

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