Welcome to Oregon Man Clinics

Oregon’s Leader In Bio-Identical Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

Through Oregon Man Clinics, we provide maximum accessibility to a wide range of issues within the male communities we live while working to ensure men are living their lives to the fullest and healthiest. At Oregon Man Clinics (OMC), we strive to create a unique environment providing attentive services with the most current medical options to the men in our community.

What Sets Us Apart

OMC: Where Learning Leads to Excellence. We are proud to empower our team through continuous education, delivering unmatched success for you.

Care That Fits Into Your Lifestyle

With busy schedules, making and keeping doctor’s appointments can be difficult. Telemedicine fuses the convenience of technology with modern medicine. It was born out of our digitally fluent society with a need for fast, personal, and accessible healthcare. Like visiting a traditional office, an e-visit on a phone, tablet, or computer offers patients the ability to talk with their doctor instantly and securely in real-time. Telemedicine and e-visits are a quick, convenient, and quality way to avoid the hassles of going to a doctor’s office for simple necessities like asking questions, prescription refills, and more.

Introducing OMC’s Supplement Line - Your Path to Optimal Health!

OMC’s new supplement line promotes optimal health by providing personalized supplements that cater to your individual healthcare needs. To determine which supplements are right for you, consult with your OMC provider today!

Our Practice

The OMC clinic and providers was built on the knowledge that men’s physiology changes with age. Our clinic and medical approaches are geared toward helping the male population maintain an energized lifestyle by revitalizing their minds and bodies as they age. We are driven to accomplish our mission of helping improve the overall quality of life for the male population in Deschutes and Lane Counties with our presence as a comprehensive care clinic for men. We serve men of all ages and backgrounds because men can encounter health issues which can begin at a relatively young age as well as through the aging process. We, at Oregon Man Clinics, are here to help! Our practice covers a full spectrum of therapies and medications, which will help our clients realize their full potential and improve their lives.

The OMC Team

We are a team of knowledgeable individuals poised and ready to help every man feel their best while living a full and healthy life. Our team of providers believes in practicing evidence-based medicine to achieve the most successful results. Every man walking through our doors will receive innovative healthcare specifically tailored to fit their personal needs, wants, and medical conditions.

Kind Words From Our Patients

Latest News

When Should You Get Your First Prostate Exam?

Caring for your prostate health is essential to your general wellness. Regular prostate exams can help you detect potential issues before they escalate. At The Oregon Man Clinics, our team of board-certified medical professionals often receives questions about when men should schedule their first prostate exam. The answer varies based on individual risk and other factors. This blog […]

The Role of Testosterone in Men’s Weight Loss

Are you struggling with weight gain despite making efforts with diet and exercise? Addressing your testosterone levels might be the key to unlocking your weight loss potential. At The Oregon Man Clinics, our team of board-certified medical providers understands that weight loss becomes increasingly challenging for men as they age. They also know that this difficulty is often […]

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