Benefits of TRT

Are you feeling tired all the time, or weak and sluggish? Are you gaining weight but losing muscle mass? These can be signs of low testosterone levels which can be a common factor in the aging process for men. In fact as men age their testosterone levels can continue to decrease even more.

If you want to feel like your younger self again, have more energy and clarity then increasing your testosterone levels through a treatment such as testosterone replacement therapy can be a viable option.

Increasing your levels of testosterone, through the help of a professional, has been shown to have many positive benefits for aging men. These can include: “increasing bone strength and density, inducing hematopoiesis (producing blood cells), driving sexual function and libido, providing a cardio-protective effect and increasing muscle strength” (National Health Institute).

By following a testosterone treatment plan with a professional, men usually experience these benefits:

  1. Increased libido – increasing your blood levels of testosterone can also increase your sex drive. If you are experiencing problems with decreased libido, talk with your doctor as testosterone replacement therapy can combat this.
  2. Weight loss – losing weight can become increasingly more difficult as we age, low testosterone levels do not help when trying to shed a few pounds. Diet and exercise are still very important, however, if you are adhering to a healthy lifestyle and still having problems with weight loss, TRT can help with losing weight.
  3. Increased muscle mass – again, while TRT does not replace a healthy exercise plan it can supplement one to help you build muscle. After 40, it can be hard to continue to see results from your same exercise regimen, if you have noticed your workouts are not giving you the same results they once were ask your doctor to check your testosterone levels.
  4. Increased energy – if you are feeling tired and sluggish, low testosterone levels could be the culprit. While getting a good night of sleep is still important, if you are still tired even after 7-8 hours of sleep there could be other problems. Sleep apnea is a problem for people who are overweight and can cause one to feel tired in the morning even after a good night’s sleep. However, if this is not your situation and you are still having trouble sleeping, then maybe low levels of testosterone are to blame.
  5. Increased blood production – another side effect of low testosterone that can affect energy is decreased production of blood cells, TRT can help the body to naturally begin to produce new red blood cells thus increasing your energy as well. Red blood cells are the vehicle transporting much needed oxygen and nutrients throughout your body, increased production of red blood cells can have many positive effects on your body and energy levels.
  6. Mental clarity and assertiveness – if you are having problems with making decisions and feeling like you can’t make up your mind, more than likely you could benefit from testosterone replacement therapy. Feeling indecisive and unable to make decisions is a sign of low testosterone levels, by increase your level through testosterone replacement therapy you can also increase your mental clarity and ability to focus better.

Taking testosterone is not a magic pill, in fact in the US it is not available in a pill form; instead, it is administered via either regular injections, a topical gel that can be applied to the skin, or a small implant that is good for up to 4 months. However for men suffering from low testosterone levels, or Low T, therapy can be very beneficial in helping them feel young again.

Dr. Steven Canfield, chief of urology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, suggest that there could be some risks involved including: “possible increase in the size of the prostate, water retention, worsening sleep apnea, a lower sperm count and an increase in the platelet count, which could increase the risk for blood clots.” ( However, for most men, the benefits far outweigh the possible side effects. When considering TRT, always consult with a professional who will track your testosterone levels on a regular basis, so TRT can improve your life for the better.

Here at Oregon Man Clinic we want to help you feel like your younger self again. Between the stressors of everyday life, your job and family, or lack of exercise and being at the office too long you could be suffering from low T. Don’t suffer in silence anymore. We can help and want to meet with you to see if you too could benefit from the help of testosterone replacement therapy.

To find out if you have low testosterone levels, asking your doctor for a simple blood test can confirm or ease your worries. As men age, declining levels of testosterone is common; according to the American Urological Association, as many as 4 out of 10 men can have low T. For a lot of these men, testosterone replacement therapy can have many positive benefits and can help them feel like their younger self again.

To learn more about testosterone replacement therapy, check out our Facebook page! Make an appointment to speak with one of our professionals and see if this is a good option for you.


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